The concepts of soulmates arose from Greek mythology. According to the story, our ancestors once had 2 heads, 4 arms. They did something to offend a god so that god punished them by splitting them down the middle, resulting in the creation of humans. As a punishment, we are condemned to spend our lives searching for the other half, our soulmates
I read an interesting theory once, from a professor in psychology who was writing about humans and love. In this theory, which probably goes out of the bounds of actual psychology, he proposed that there is no ‘one person’ that each of us is intended to be with forever. Rather, his theory said that there are about eight ‘right persons’ for each of us, but that since these eight are spread so much around the planet we will only have the chance of meeting one: a soulmate, of sorts.
This study proposed that from a standpoint of compatibility mixed with probability, if someone was to find one of their soulmates, there would only be a very minute chance they would ever meet with any of the other ‘eight’, and thus wouldn’t feel as strong a connection with anyone else in their lifetime; even though the others do exist somewhere.
Thought i'd share my findings :)
Today went by so slow, did some cooking last night with some meat and veggies!
Of course while cooking i had to snack on some yummy organic grapes and cucumbers with lime.

Today went by so slow, did some cooking last night with some meat and veggies!
Then someone at work today walked in with some really good smelling chinese food, i was really tempted.. but i waited until i clocked out and went to whole foods to find a good substitute. This is what i ate instead of the grease heavy chinese food i could have had. (it wasn't too bad either)
Ahh and my wonderful honey vanilla chamomile tea--
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