Friday, July 31, 2009


Had some fab fat free vanilla yogurt this morning with granola and flaxseed, this usually keeps me full until lunch...

For lunch i packed a salad, some sliced apples with peanut butter and one of annie chun's noodle bowls... it was super yummy
Later tonight i went to the 'rents house and had a slimwich from jimmy johns along with a wild rice and chicken soup.. double yummy. Missed my workout today but figured i deserve a break after going sunday through thursday. I was super tempted with fast food on the way home from work but decided against it.. not sure if it was my will or my lack of money..

Tomorrow morning i'm hitting up the farmer's market with my sisters! My flowers are dying i bought a few weeks ago.. time to replace them, I should make a list...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Enlightenment (sp?)

I want to be do PR press tours for films.. aaahhhhh
Now the only question is how to get there... hmmm

Monday, July 27, 2009

Annie Chun rox my sox

Had a hectic weekend, saturday worked half the day then went to see the fam. It was a joint birthday party for my 2 brothers and sister whose birthdays are all in July. My parents made their infamous "tacos de lengua" or tongue tacos (hey, don't knock it till you try it!) and fetucini alfredo with chicken and another with shrimp.
I had a serving of fetucini with chicken and 1 taco, it was soo good. I miss my mom's home cooking.

Later that evening we played some sand volleyball and tennis--for like 2 hours! Needless to say i'm pretty sure i burned off what i ate.
Yesterday was more or less a lazy day, got up really late and later went to play tennis with one of my sorority sisters.
When i finished i was really hungry so i stopped by walmart to get some things and bought this peculiar "soy" based cheese for quesadillas. I was really wanting a quesadilla so I was willing to try it out with my whole wheat tortillas.

The cheese hardly had any flavor so I added lettuce and salsa into my quesadilla, it was ok, nothing to rave about.This morning started out my day with a bowl of oatmeal and bananas, had a salad for lunch and some leftover meat w/zuchinni (sp?)

For dinner I made Annie Chun's Noodle express -- it was very good, i added fresh green pepper and i think it would have been even better with some cut up chicken.
It took only a few minutes to make!

Since i didn't get up in time to do my workout today i went to my apartment gym late tonight and did 30 minutes of cardio, im super tired... time for a good night's sleep. Later gators!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tennis is my vice

I played a ton of tennis today-- and it was soo much fun!
So i haven't updated my meals but good news!!! I lost 3lbs this week! This is the first week i have started eating more whole foods (organic) and exercising more... so this works. Here are my pix for the week!

Here is my before eating salad.. the white stuff is feta cheese.. soo yummy

Soy burgers are delish!

I also made some not so healthy food although it was whole grain macaroni and cheese...

I was in the mood for something barbque so i made bbq chicken.. it was finger lickin' good!

This chocoloate froyo is fierce!

My drive to Red Oak, IA for a tennis match.. a whole lot of nothing..

Me n my sis bein krazee

So far so good! We will see what this next week has in store for me, oh and my roommate finally comes back this wednesday! yay!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pad Thai and tofu= super scrumptious

So i have this thing now where i have a salad before my main course for lunch, really helps fill me up faster!
This morning went to the gym and did 30 minutes of cardio with 10 min of weights.. came back and had a cup of vanilla fat free yogurt with strawberry granola and a tsp of flax seed.. it was soo good.

For lunch i tried this frozen plate "Pad Thai with tofu" it was surprisingly good and a little spicy.
For dinner i was running late so i popped some leftover meat and veggies in the micro and ran out... did step practice with the girls then had a drink with Jessica at Billy Frog's.

Kinda late once i got home so i just had 2 scoops of After Dark Chocolate Fro-yo.. it was yummy

Meeting monika early tom at scooters... need my beauty sleep nite! :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Classic Definition of Soulmates or twin flames:
The concepts of soulmates arose from Greek mythology. According to the story, our ancestors once had 2 heads, 4 arms. They did something to offend a god so that god punished them by splitting them down the middle, resulting in the creation of humans. As a punishment, we are condemned to spend our lives searching for the other half, our soulmates

I read an interesting theory once, from a professor in psychology who was writing about humans and love. In this theory, which probably goes out of the bounds of actual psychology, he proposed that there is no ‘one person’ that each of us is intended to be with forever. Rather, his theory said that there are about eight ‘right persons’ for each of us, but that since these eight are spread so much around the planet we will only have the chance of meeting one: a soulmate, of sorts.

This study proposed that from a standpoint of compatibility mixed with probability, if someone was to find one of their soulmates, there would only be a very minute chance they would ever meet with any of the other ‘eight’, and thus wouldn’t feel as strong a connection with anyone else in their lifetime; even though the others do exist somewhere.

Thought i'd share my findings :)

Today went by so slow, did some cooking last night with some meat and veggies!

Of course while cooking i had to snack on some yummy organic grapes and cucumbers with lime.

Then someone at work today walked in with some really good smelling chinese food, i was really tempted.. but i waited until i clocked out and went to whole foods to find a good substitute. This is what i ate instead of the grease heavy chinese food i could have had. (it wasn't too bad either)

Ahh and my wonderful honey vanilla chamomile tea--

Monday, July 20, 2009

lifetime shows..

Was off of work early today because i was supposed to play a tennis match but it rained too much to play on the courts! We rescheduled for Friday.
I hit up the gym in my apartments again 25 min of cardio 10 min of weights.. i hope i can go longer next week.

Watching lifetime "Drop Dead Diva" kinda getting into it.. lol

"Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer." Marcia Wieder

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday.. so much accomplished

Got up so early I can't believe i'm still awake. My sis spent the night and we hit the gym at 6:30am... unfortunately for us only 1 treadmill was working so we did the eliptical (sp?) and weights, the guy was on for like 30 minutes! Goodness..
After that we went to the Farmer's market downtown-- it was so awesome, i've only been one other time and hadn't realized just how many things there were!
So i overdid it and by the time i was heading out both of my hands were carrying bags, bought so many fresh veggies, salsa and bread! IT was so beautiful out too!

Headed out to work after that and at this point I've only had a honey oat granola bar so i was pretty hungry--- lucky for me my new addiction (and fav place) was having a summer taste festival so the whole store (Whole Foods) had samplings. That's where i went for lunch--see the yumminess?

Got off work and headed to my brother's place so he could install a new fuel injector in my car-- hung out with my niece and nephew.. they are soo silly.

Ran a few errands and by the time I got home it was 9:30pm! I was super hungry so i made some tea (honey vanilla chamomille, yum!) and started washing all the veggies and cutting them up for storage. (while munching on them too!)

A friend came by and I finished cutting, slicing, storing everything while chatting away. My fridge is super healthy! Can't wait to eat tomorrow! :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fiber in the morning..mmm

So today was the first day i went back to the gym.. my apt has a 24 hr fitness center (yay for me) the only hard part was getting there. Did 25 min of cardio and 10 min of weights.. im so out of shape, i can't believe i lasted that long.
Came home for bkfast -- bowl of fiber 1 with a banana and this fun bottle of water i got at whole foods. Payday is today so maybe i'll go check out what else they have.. that place is addictive.

Last night I didn't have much, 1/2 cup of mint choc ice cream and a smore (midnight bonfires) good times, bad 4 diet.

I'm so not a morning person... but i'm making an effort.
"The one thing worse than a quitter is the person who is afraid to begin."

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quote of the day

"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day." E.B. White

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Whole Foods pizza

So I completely forgot about this blog, journaling in my journal of course and livejournal i guess there wasn't a real need to do it here.. however i have found a new use for you my lovely blog.

Food blogging. Yes i guess it is the new fad but it should also help in what i am consuming on a daily basis. Granted i did not think of this on my own, i skimmed several other food blogs before posting my own. Actors diet was fun and full of useful info (Lynn Chen and Christine Meyers) so here we go...

So to date I have bought only a few organic items.. organic green tea and ginger chews, although i'm not sure if those are organic.

Today i went to whole foods and got 2 slices of pizza. Spinach and artichoke and pepperoni.. also bought a cup of peach rosemary infused lemonade-- it sounded good. A little sugary but i added water and ice to balance it out.

The pizza was amazing--it was really odd though I thought i was really hungry but one slice and i was full!

In the morning i had Special k and skim milk. Yum.

We are having a going away party for a co-worker and they are providing a nacho bar.. lets see how this goes.

